Tuesday, April 29, 2008
ok, this is shit!
i think i lost my SIP log book!
its not in sch, neither it's at home =/
I'll need a little more luck than a little bitLabels: where's my sip log book
11:04 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sch sch sch for the day and went for a hair cut after tt.
And my hair is like soooo short and bao dee lynette and others +++ are like sayin i look ugly =/
Hello~~ any1 selling hair ferterziler which can make my hair grow back asap!!
Went to 'help out' for the bball trial but didnt do much la, instead me and people like cheng yu,alex and han bing went to the outdoor court to play =x
Sweated some and then back home , but i just realise i left my jersey there.. needa go sch earlier tml to retrive -.-!
27th April
Worked full again for today but kinda slack cuz like chit chatted for the day la :)
Schedule out, working on labour day and sunday for next week=/
Hate to work on public holiday cuz its really busy and thats when all the nonsenical customer come out to shop!
Ended the day and like back home to chill out.
While on msn, then i realised that some font look ugly on size 14 but looks ok while its size 12.
haha! Went to further explore and like tested here and there to get a nice nice font and like explored till 3am+ sch in next 3 hour! Awwww~
Finally changed my font since like 4 years? lol!
more then just an eye candyLabels: a change in msn font
10:51 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
Gosh! i really reached super early today for school cuz i reached like 755am! Maybe one of the earliest timing for my past 4 sememster!
Met our care person before we went for our lesson, today lucch was like near 1pm cuz its friday and the muslim students had to be release this time for prayers.
We had our lunch at ITAS and the yong tao fu is really like gettin from bad to worst, we then went to book shop for some snacks and drinks to fill our stomach.
Walked around Tp as we got like 45mins more to waste even though we finished our lunch, and we were like invited to sign a banner which some tp student asked us to cuz they say the banner is going to be sent to Beijing for the olympic! Woah woah~ jor, yuan and me signed it and like soo excited for it la!
Yuan also got an expired sunkist orange juice and had to go to the book shop to change for a new one. His orange juice was like ozzing with gas when he opened it, remind me of my cranberry juice which i think like expired tooo when i bought that time!
Ended sch and met lynette then met up with komez for a sporty day, had a little of soccer and basketball today! Been like soo long since i last shoot any balls la! Had fun though but i never join them for dinner/movie cuz its like kinda tired soo went back home and rest! =)
24th April
Tef outing today! We planned like to wear tua glam today cuz we like never had a chance to wear glam glam while in camp!
Everyone is tua handsome and tua pretty today!
Met dee and joan to finsh up the collgue for fook and shermain and then met bao, kaiming and kandis and yunru after their lesson before we set off to meet jiamin , karen and shermain at New York New York for dinner, fook and jiayu joined us too!
A pic before we set off to meet the remainin tef, blur though =/

Took some pics while we walked to DXO and some drinks, we ordered tower- orange jucie + vodka but its like taste of orange jucie onli! $40 for orange jucie, all like soo dam piss =x
Had a chatty session and they set off for home after tt cuz most of us are like, havin sip/lesson for the next morning!
Love TEF many many!
So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me thereLabels: Love Tef
11:05 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
i'm early i'm early for today!
woke up like 20mins earlier to catch the earlier bus i will be like caught in the jam again.
Reached sch super early, super happy, think the instructor also kinda shocked cuz i am one of the 1st few whom reach the class!
Had lunch at mensa today with vegetarian food, jor still sick and his doctor told him to avoid eating flour, noodle, rice. its like cannot eat anything already la!
Couldnt finish up the noodle today cuz of the coke-zero we got from a van distributin to students of tp at the mushroom.
Coke zoro taste weird, i mean Taste bad, no minerals, no energy, no vitamins totally all 0 at the nutrition info, so we assume its worst then mineral water -.-''
Ended sch today at 4pm++, slightly late then normal cuz we use to end like 350++. 4pm is peak hour for wednesday cuz students will end that time due to cds.
Jordan and me walked to tp main stop to wait for bus, bus like too pack so we end up walkin back to the engine blk there.
Took 15 and alight at the singtel stop. Jor went opposite to take his bus and i waited for 27.
Waited like sooo tua long and everyday like so pack cuz buses like 31, 10 would bring the ite student to the stop, and 23 and 15 brings the tp student. Waited for like near an hour before i could board a 27 back home.
Caught some sleep and then slacked at the com again!
Exploring live journal for the past few days after jiamin 'phyco' us to switch from blogger to it.
Donno what user name to get yet! any suggestion? anyone~

oh ya, congrats to ben bao on passin his drivin lesson! free ride soon ok! =)
If I told you you were beautiful
Labels: live journal
10:26 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
run ran ran :)
So, impossible as it may seemLabels: resevoir :)
10:42 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Offcially starts of the Tp sememster.
i was like late for lesson today as its really tooo many people going to tp!
Planned to took the 27 or 89 to go toward hougang direction so i can catch the 27 to come tampinese, however, waited like 15min and no sigh of any 89 / 27! so i walked back to the bustop and wait for 27- the one toward tampinese direction.
Guess what, all the 27 which came are like all packed! sigh!! total waited for like 35mins before i could board a semi pack 27 to tampinese....
Reached tampinese, also sooo pack but luckily manage to squeeze into a sch bus, so i end up reached my classroom at 850 la, 20mins late! hope the instructor wont penalise me~~
Having lecture for this week, so got our super thick notes! Listening to leacture in class is really bored, feel like feelin asleep but i was like sittin infront of the teacher, so had to like really endure!
The super thick notes

Time kinda pass quite fast, in a while time its like 4, met bao dee and lynette at mush then took 23 with dee and jor to tampinese interchange. Accompanied dee to tm to get her file box in ppopular but popular is in renovation so onli a small popular is avaliable at the playground on the 4th level, didnt manage to get so went to royal sportin house to find her vans shoe. Unfortunately, also couldnt find. So like took 27 back home, luckily we manage to caught the bus b4 peak hour else its really gonna be a sick journey back~
20th April
Sunday! working day today. its been like near 2 weeks since i last work, due to fo and outings!
A super packed sunday today! Customer are like seen loitering outside the shop before we opened our shop at 11am. Super hate it ok! sooo Kiasu ppl~ sigh!!
Busy for the whole day and customer keep like ' excuse me ~ excuse me' i was like sooo almost doing the komez squart la! sooo addictive yea~
Busy for the whole day and its like finally 930, still gt customer stayed in the shop even though we pullled the shutter down. Dam piss and whats worst, they ask us to take so many pairs of shoe to try and then said ' ok, i think about it, maybe coming tml' -.-!!
Irritatin people!
Working for next sat and sun again~ bye bye weekends =/
19th April
Sentosa outing with komez today, acutally was like the whole fo la! hahaa.
Not really sunny today, had some swim, come volleyball and captain ball before sunset and we all go bath.
As usual, dinner at sky terrance, then like so suddenly got nyp people go and challenge us cheer, this really show the spirit of tp, we all gather up and cheer then back so loud that they really genna own la. Temasek me, Temasek you~ we are a Team=)
We also ran like mad when dee called me and told me we are 6mins away from the last train~ Annouced it and u can see flocks of people all dash down the the station to catch the last train.
We then found out its the last train that link to the East West line, not the last North East line la~~hahaha, but its really so tua funny experience =)
Thanks raazmy for the Ritter Sports chocolate! like soo cute la, the mini ones. At 1st i thought it will be of a very very small square, but actually its the same as the normal pack ones just that it onli had 4 piece it a pack. hahaa~
CHOCOLATE! super love it ok!

may it be found
10:51 PM
a proper update soon!
Who would have guessed I'd let my mind drift so far away
1:57 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
hello all! finally its time for some updates!
3rd day of sch today and its like sooooo tua packed for everybus that goes to tp as the freshman was going for their orientation also.
Waited for like 25mins then finally able to board a bus 23 and me and jor was like late for our lesson, luckily, the instructor was understanding so we were not marked as late=)
Saw a dam irritatin sceace like this almost everyday.
The bus is so obviously packed and the 'brainless' people are still tryin to queue to board, which causes delay to the buses behind and chained up other buses. Soo plz plz plz! if u see the bus is full, dun be such an irrrtatin human being to go chap in the queue to delay everyone!
the people whom cause us to be delayed

15th April
Had a gym work out with dee, her friend, kc and sean after sch and we met bao jiamin and joan for dinner at Tampinese after that. Bao said i am fat and my lower jaws teeth is not straight! awwww dam sad ok!
Chit chating session after that and its was really fun =)
14th April
Sch start for me today and i had to get up like 645 as i needa be in sch by 830am!
Sigh! had our briefing and we were like suppose to report to sch everyday 830am-4pm for the next 6 month!
-long pant everyday ( i nv like to wear pants or jeans to sch!-.- )
-no handphone allowed! need to switch off ( but i put it to silence mode onli la x=)
-Have to be in the trainin shirt everyday! ( bb to my clothing! )
-Notes as thick as half a 15 cm ruler =/
ok this sucks! and we need to do stuff like filing and sawing like DnT la! Its like bringing a new cut/scar at ya hand back home everyday! hands are going to be rough and ugly and its super tiring to saw and file and saw and file a metal block! Inhaling those metal ashes make my throat felt so terrible~~~~ Pain at jaws as we need to use force to file the metal block and we had to push the file dam hard and it somehow make ya jaw hurts!
125days of trainin~ this really suckssssssss
Also! a last min Komez outing at Marina Square!
like 69 people turned up for it and it was really loveeee to see the freshie and gls again!
Lots of photo taken!
check it out at
7th-12th April
Was away in school for Fo 08/09
and it was really a blast!
The 6 days working with the people in Komez is really great and fun! lots of funny people inside the empire and i really really love u allll!
We were not really bonded in the beginning till the last day of FO when we had our trash out talk to pin point each other weakness and settle on stuff to further improve ourself for the coming FOC!
its works and we were like doing soo much better in foc putting our heart and effort to make a great camp!
We were like top of the table for the 1st 2 days and till the last day when thee result was announced, we we the 1st to be read out. Everyone got stunned for like 5 sec and we still thought they read out the 1st empire 1st.. However, its the fact we got last..
Everyone was all shock.. its like the effort, the sweat and pain we gone through.
The Freshie cheer for us, for komez not minding that they were last place.
Its really super touching and the love was felt.
Soon, the gls were like mass breakdown and all were like crying at the back.
A really great breakdown that send us crying and crying non stop, the louder the freshie cheer the more tears we shed =/ Emotional people!
Happy graduating to fook and shermain! its been fun with u both giving inspirational talk to us!
Some photos =)

K-O-M E-Z we are READY! ;)
Rain outside my window pouring downLabels: Komez for you you
7:45 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
i am like going for FO in like 5 hours time and i cant get to sleeeeep =/!
I'm just out to find
The better part of meLabels: day before Fo
2:04 AM