Monday, March 31, 2008
Decided to have a healthy lifestyle day today, so met dee at around 1+ for a swimmin and a jog and bedok reseviour.
We went to Giant 1st instead so get my shampoo and sun tanning oil and dee wanted to get Fbt shorts or singlet from there.
Raazmy said i was like turning charcoal black instead of tan, so i guess sun tan lotion is really a need!
Bought our items and we proceed to the swimmim complex. No SUN TODAY, it was cloudly and even looks like its gonna rain=/ no chance to use the lotion too~
Oh my, we saw bran and sean there and ltr sean friend, eugene came and joined in.
Dee said to swim 30 laps today, with dobut, i told her i would treat her drinks if she could finish really 30 laps.
She then went swim and swim then i also joined in la.
She did 32 and i did like 24 laps for today!
woah~ its been like sooo long since i swam more then 20 laps when i go for swimmin!
We then bathed and then proceeed to sch to for the jog, sean them then went for their meals.
Ran the reseviour and its super tirin and our legs are like so super duper heavy. saw lynettte and joyce as they were with their canoe polo mates with physical training.
Gym-ed a little after the run and we went changed and had our dinner/ lunch at mensa 2. Had Jap food since salad bar's food had finished up, super full then we took bus back.
Luckily we did not had to take comfort ride for today as we had an empty 27 incoming!
Yay~ back home faster~ hope my legs wont ace when workin tml =/
my 1st bottle of sun tan lotion, it was suppose to provide me with sun screen ok!

would you save my soul tonight
Labels: bedok reseviour, Swimming
8:07 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A relax working day today, had full shift with thomas and we spent like the whole morning discussing of this subway bread which has like no vegetable at all! A scammed meal he had~
Ended work at 830 and i board 163 just in time! no wonder i always need to wait a pretty long time for 163, cuz it come at 831! miss it and i will have to wait till near 9pm=/
Bought my blade today! Blading anytime ok, i'm ready`ready` ready!
My 1st pair of beginner balde~

29th March
Today is 4e4 Soarers BBQ gathering!
Met Aaron and Edwin at Compasspoint then we went to take bus.
Was suppose to take 27, but all the 27 were like so packed and so we decided to take 89 to pasir ris then change to mrt to Bedok to meet the girls.
Met Desire.Gina, XiaoWei , and Zhi wei there before we took 32 to the BBQ WHOLESALE shop to get our food for the night! The weather was to unpromisin at 1st but we still proceed with the bbq plan.
Had lots of food like, stingray, chicken chops, bufflo wings, octupus , prawns and more bought, we took bus back and change to mrt to meet joel at Pasir Ris.
Eiling and kavita also met us there and we went to the NUTC to get items like tongs, satay sticks and margarine +++ for the bbq!
Last stop, the Cheers near the ppq pit and we bought last few items like ices and lighter, eiling bought unbrella as she believe it will rain -.-!!
OK done! The boys set up the fire and i swaer its dam windy and we coulnt even light our lighter in the beginning!
The girls prepare the drink and the crabmeat and hotdogs.
After some time, the fire is up and we defrosted the food and prepare for bbq!
Zhiwei, xiaowei and ++ miss mel, now known as Mdm Imelda=D

Oue PE teacher, Mr Raj with her baby ashleen

Idiots 6/9 + joel!

Eiling, Desire Kavita and rest

The girls of idiots 9~

Sham and Mr Raj

Me, Sham and Brayn ( was suppose to be me and brayn take photo, then sham chap ji ka =x)

Mrs Raj, ashleen and kaiqing

The beloved teachers and us :)

Oh my, we looked at the wrong camera !

Packin up~ call for a day

Knock knock, whos tt!
Kaiqing sufferning from hair loss =p

Sham Me and KaiQing,

The boys =D

Black and white, lets do the checkboard :D

The Crap Me! with the Pincer=x

Ice Cream Cone~ Anyone~

whos back,
its van's

Alrighty, back home!

thanks kaiqing for the pics :))
and zhiwei for organising this gathering :)
Its wols, Brenda birthday!
Happy 20th Birthday Wols!

its been one week since i last had any conversation with u over msnLabels: Soarers BBq and wols birthday
11:07 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
Off day today and i woke up at like 10am+ even though i went to slp like neat 6am!
Caught 2 movies on the web, one 'Hitman' while the other is 'Transformer'.
Hitman is nice as the story plot and not really those what-u-can expect-action flims.
The main cast Timothy Olyphant, as agent 47, is so dam cool and hot la, though botak =p
Transformer is a really long movie and i finally finished watching it like near 6am, of course with low volume else i sure wake my parents whom are already asleep. Actually i loaded The Mist, but its late, dun really dare to watch else will really scare the hell out of me=/
Hitman, nice show

of course, transformer too:)

Changed up during the noon as was suppose to meet jor for a swim at tampinese.
While going to the 27 bus stop, saw a army guy whom look so farmiliar and omg, it's christopher!
One of my teamate while we use to play for payar lebar cc.
Matured alot and he live nearby me, like just a few blocks away.Catch up soon yea.
Reached tampinese pool at 3pm but jor was still at home! Couldnt resist the sun so i decided to go in to have a swim 1st!
Jor came later but the moment he came, the sun went off -.-! i swear he's cursed! not the 1st time already =x
We had some swim and 'tan' then we changed to had our dinner at Tm's Yoshinoya as jor wanted to have some rice for dinner.
Today's Yoshinoya really sucks as i had my salmon bowl with just a small piece of salmon, which taste to much like tuna and the rest are all diced carrots and plain white rice!
Finished our food and we made a small trip to bugis as i so feel like using my 20% topshop voucher which will expire on this month's 31th.
Mrt to bugis was really fast as it took only like 25mins or so, if u realise, the telecom operator whom annouce the next station name had changed! it sound different!
Reached bugis and we saw a pair of china couple quarreling and there's some $50 note lying on the floor, how we know china, cuz the way the speak and the loudness would clearly tell u that they are form china=x
Shop shop shop around.
We went to the BHG- formerly SEIYU. Guess what BHG stands for - 'Be Here for Good things'
this is dam funny la, haha.
Wheee, and i found a area which they put all the men undies togther! the boxers, breif and trunks all.
Caught 2 pair of boxer i really like from there, time to breathe some fresh air~
Jordan said that the undergarment cover models not really have to be fit, but also 'big' =p i told him we have to train then go be some undergarment cover models which is like super cool la! freee supply of undies for yr life!
Also bought a belt from the topshop then we made our way home.
i took 80 home and the joruney took me like near 1 hour as there were some jams and rain, had a good rest journey back:)
shoppin caughts for the day~

My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closingLabels: hitman, transformer and boxers
8:34 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
work work worked!
Another day of working and i am kinda tired.
25th March
Had a mini last min gathering with komez-ian like ella, dee, jiamin, kc, lucas, ron, sean and weng at ECP for a blading trip. We bladed like 35673897492394783 miles for the day! We travelled like from ecp, to bedok jetty, and even to the expressway before changi. and i bladed there! BLADED! yea! thought abit slow but really thank you people for waiting and helping me when i fell=) We really like made full use of the 2hours rental and when we went back, its like night time and not much people left on the path and its really nice to blade.
Had a shower there and we had our dinner at parkway :)
3rd time blading and dee said i really improved alot! yay!!
24th March
OTC refresh 2 for today and we played treasure hunt around the school to hunt for clue which are the rules for the new final clash.
Had the new final clash and i felt its really an improved version. Komez won the 1st place as we had warriors like kaiwen whom is the last men standing at times for the final clash.
Heard the long long long mass gl cheers then we were release for dinner.
Had tak pao from opposite sch and then we did some pons pons before going home:)
Took 27 back and we reached home like near 12am++
AND I SAW A LIZARD INSIDE MY ROOM WHEN I REACH HOME! its like wth wth! Luckily, my mum's still awake so she helped me cleared the disgusting lizard from my room.
I hope its a 'new arrival' ,i couldnt imagine if it had been there for long, dangling around my room, my desktop and cardboard!
shoo shooo~ lizard!
And I wonder
If you ever Think of meLabels: Komez komez =)
11:53 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
its raining~ a heavy rain i suppose...
Update update.
Was away fro Komez chalet from the 18th-20th.
Lots and lots of fun there.
BBQ-ed wings , hotdog , crab meat oata and satay~
Learnt new games called the polar bear and also the drinking games with tat and jiamins version. Fun + fun + fun in the games caught the 'drunk' even with haven even need to drink and the acholic jasmine.
Tao Pok and more tao poked in the chalet. with Ron the ultimate tao pok-er.
Being the ultimate polar bear after getting din's trust and 'killed' ella =/
pictures? any1 have it ? :)
19th March
Alvin into the navy, swim and more swimming for ya yea =x
See the botak u soon :)
18th March
Jo to the china, forgot its beijing or shanghai le =x Anyway, enjoy ya holidays, forgot to bid goodbye too =x
16th March
yay! Finally got my gym ball! Its like so big that i really had to find a place to slot it, still finding the place actually.
Bouncy bouncy, had a hard time getting it pumped cuz i swear its really big!"
fresh from the box

Manual, pump, BALL



i was quite scare to sit on it cuz it gave me a feelin that it will burst anytime, but after checked out with kat, as she had 1 herself too, she told me wont burst de la~ OK SAVE TO SIT!
Some people say
That everything has got its place in timeLabels: update updates
4:35 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Back from komez chalet and i like just slept for the whole noon.
Was awake a few times but just don feel like getting up so continue sleep and sleep.
Had lots of fun with the people and the games we had during the past 2 days stay over.
aya, i don feel like bloggin le, perhaps will update lte =/
I know I can't be the only oneLabels: Komez chalet
5:53 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Saturday today and i woke up in the noon and around 1pm+
i was so high when i opened my curtain and saw the super duper sunny weather!
The sun is out! So bright and its cloudless!
YEA! got the urge to go for a super tan so messaged alvin, yup, he also wan a tan/swim so we met like 240 and he gave me a ride to tampinese pool!
Smooth ride there, alvin told me to left all the belongin in the car then i like onli bring one $2 note for the ticket fee.
Reached the entrace found out that today is weekend so need $1.30! omg! Luckily, he bought extra coins else need walk a detour back to the car and get =P
Very crowded there as its weekend, family, kids and lotsa children having their swimmin lesson there. Me and alvin more like dippin the the pool and have catch up session rather then swimminn, traffic was like heavily jam at the pool =/
Lots of topic to talk about and most imptly, the bachalor talk! hahaha! Me and him can like set up a bachalor club le la! Any interested members?=x
Had our tan on the top of the pool and we were like feelin chao ta even we like onli there for 20mins! Dam sunny sun!!
Yup, changed and lots of kids inside the changing room, naked running around, i'm sure Michal Jackson will love to be in there.
Thanks for the trip!
Alvin, with his amazing driving skills

the clouds were all in parallel to each other:)

14th March
Met dee and Jo for movie at TM to catch leap years.
We actually planned to go running at reserviour but changed our mind and went to SiMei to had our dinner at bk and a Mango+ Durian dessert before we come back to TM for leap years.
The dessert is umber nice cuz the durian tasted great! ha! dam sinful ok! instead of loss weight (running) we like adding fats la( ate the dessert) =x
The Leap Years, a pretty nice show. A movie with lots of quote which set me thinking and thinking throughout.
It show how people could spent their life waiting till the right someone.
'Its hard to not being with someone just to wait for the someone to appear.' chim right! hahaha!
Actually it means that people nowdays cant wait to be in love, not many could really wait for the real 'someone' to appear in their life.
More of the nice quote like
“If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life.” - Oscar Wilde
"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous ."- Albert Einstein
Some parts of the movie are really touching and makes one emotional, yup! a well spent ticket :)
The Leap Years

Dee and Jo then came my house to stay for the night,
We watched The Water Horse over on moviesister. We dun really understand the show but we just like watching the cute waterhorse =)
The Water Horse

We also order mac at like 4am and suppered, sinful again! fast food + late hours eating+ no exercise = FAT!!
Also watched abit of Balls of Fury then both of them fell asleep. While watching the show, got a few times i accidentally kicked the wire from the router and hang half way la! like so anti climax, hahaa! Its ok~ we enjoyed the movie alot =x
i hope you're alrightLabels: movie and movies
5:18 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
i'm tired i'm tired i'm really really tired!
Worked continouly for 2 days and there's 1 more tml! Actually more of the pain then the tireness! My hamstring is like aceing for the past 2 days since the bladeing at ECP! ARRG!
Had my result back today and all are like Bs and Cs, but GPA improved a little, 2.73 now, think i improved like 0.2 or so from last sem la! hahaha. i GOT A FOR MY 20th Century Fashion CDS! like so happy ok!
Rain rain rain! like rainin everyday la! when will i see the sun to go for a good tan!!
11th Feb
Worked for today and its like raining for the whole day...
Even though rainin, there's still alot customer for today! Think its becuz of the March school holiday, where all the kids come out to play =x
I also met my new collegue, actually not really new la, just that finally schedule planned together=D
Renyi, the new part timer, waiting for O lvl result and he's like onli 16++! LIKE so young la, we also hit off quite well as he also like to talk crap! hahaha.
10th Feb
Its Komez outing today!
Met dee, kandis, karen and weng at Cp before we all set off together to ECP to meet the rest. But all were kinda late and we ended up eating mac and making stars with straw at cp mac and we reached ECP like near 4pm where we suppose to meet at 2 =x
And i had like my 1st time bladeing experience as the rest of them decided to blade instead of cycle so we rented the blades. i am like walking instead of blading and ended up all had to wait for me to catch up as i was really really VERY VERY slow, i'm like a burden =/
Also thanks many many to people like kc, tat, sean, weng, nigel, dee, kandis whom had the patience to wait for me and slowly guide me how to blade, not forgettin shermain whom help me to carry my big bag while i learnt to balde! i had some fall but not as bad as karen! Her 1 fall is like = to my total pain for the total falls i made=p Sean also compliment me that i quite good already for a 1st time blader =x
It rained at ecp and our outing there was short then we went to parkway to had our dinner and chill out session =)
We also made the koleicai pong pong together, shermain suggested to have that pong pong thing as out identity for the FO! wooo like so cool yea=D
the koleicai pong pong :)

Finally we all went home when the midnight arriving, Komez chalet is next week yay~!
9th March
Went out with dee, jo, and steven to town, actually wanted to catch L the movie, but the tickets were sold out. So we ended up eating Carls Jr. and had a chit chat session at the coffee club opposite of Cinelesuire till late night! Yummmy yummy with the big burger at Carls Jr =D
Cant wait for the next fishin/ kbox/ movie or anyting outing together again :)
And there's hearts all over the world tonight
Labels: outing outing and outings
10:54 PM
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Waking up on saturday afternoon was something nice as i do not have to work for the saturday!
Had the laser challenge games last night and it was enjoyable, more becuz of the team, the bbq and chit-chat session we had after we bbq-ed our food =) Yea, a night of laughter was really great except for the sin-ful fats and carbo we took at like 2am of the night :) We then went to the loungue to stayed for the night and back home in like 6am +, its like my 1st time seeing the 7am TP!
07 March
Had my hair cut and a short swim and hougang with jor.
Then took 27, on the way met dee and to go for the laser challenge.
When we reached tp, i just realise that my shoe bag is like mia! oh my! Quickly cab down with dee to the pool to see if i had left it there.
During the journey, i was like so vex up la! how could i forgot my shoe bag! before we reached TP i still asked dee if she bought hers! arrg! thinking, what if the shoe bag is not in the pool, where could it be, how how! no shoe how! later got laser challenge and we are required to be in covered shoes! HOW HOW HOW! and dee still said that we can find some place to stay over for the night if cant attend the laser challenge =/ arrg!
Reached the pool, i quickly ran to the counter and asked if there's any lost and found for the day.The lady told me nope and she asked me to go in the pool to find for myself.
Went in, i went to the room that i just now bathed in and see, no shoe bags in sight! one of the room was closed so i wait for the person to be out to see if my bag is inside the room.
Meanwhile, i called back home to check if i had really forgot to bring out and my sis told me nope too! Awwww! feeling more and more vex, its like how how how!! then throught the mirror reflection, i saw my shoe bag lyin under the bench! ARRRRRR! the feelin seeing my shoe bag is like - aiya! i donno how to say already!
Yup, then cab back to TP for the laser challenge and the total fare for the trip is like $27! =/
Yea, laser challenge, laser challenge =)
I´m too shy to ask
I´m too proud to loseLabels: laser challenge
3:23 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
1st monday of the holiday and its kinda boring!
Work-ed yesterday and its was zhiliang last day servicing rsh! and also kat, my 2nd incharge was tranfered back to CentrePoint. Hope weiling, my 1st incharge wont get tranfser out soo soon! =/
Last day workin with zhi liang and he was still the same ass la! His bo chap attitude was like 150% for today! hahaa! And he also gave customer back those reply that really makes us LOL.
For e.g a Customer asked if there's warraty for the shoe, obviously a stupid question, so zhi liang replied ' auntie, we not sellin electronic, if we are sellin electronic de, we will give u 2 years, but we are not so shoes onli got 7days xchange policy if there's any manufacture default.'
Hahas, what he said is true also =x Customer then got nothing to say and left after making payment. Oh ya! also like received a MMS fromt he spf on the selamat pic la! like so funny la, weiling said 'why they nv mms a better lookin guy instead?' -.-!
terroist on the run?

Zhiliang and me

Aiya, i also feel like findin new job ar! working in pub/ club may seems to be fun! any lobangs people? Say no to retail!!! haha!
more than wordsLabels: i wan a neeew job
2:41 PM