4th Jan.
Finally its friday but i am like having 9am lesson for the day!
Waited for like half an hour for 27 and finally it arrived and sent me to tampinese area!
Though i was like going to be late for my lesson, but a a bus no. 23A arrived shortly after i reached the tampinese stop and i manage to catch it to tp. Wow, its like my 1st time in life i taking the bus 23A!
My class ended like kinda early for today! its like 1020 and the lesson is over (acutally we were suppose to stay back to watch a movie, but all like going off after the teacher took our attendace, so she cancel the movie and release us for lesson xD) She brief us on the project we had to submit next week and poof!~ we are released from lesson :P
Had my lunch with yuan at the design school, bought this drink as i find the bottle is kinda cute, and it taste really nice! for those whom dun like gassy drink, this a new great drink u can choose =)
Yes! this the strawberry and lime flavour =)

Went back home with a really smooth trip via 23 and 27, and got myself a short nap before i set off to Singapore General Hospital to pay my grandma a visit.
Reached SGH around 4+ SGH is really kinda big, i like felt so brave of myself as i'm like travelling in a big piece of land, searching around to find the block which my granda live in.
Finally found the block and room, Saw my grandma, she was awake, talked to her awhile and she seems alright, just that she's currently too weak to walk by herself. She had some tissue remove from her leg ligement or muscle to replace with her arteries ones.
Left around 6+ then went for the komez outing at oppostie Tp.
Had a prata gathering and i rushed home to pack upmy uniform and prepare to meet jo and steven at pasir ris for the overnight stay outing. Suppose to stay at the pasir ris chalet but jo's bro and company was there, kinda too pack so we went to steven house instead=x
Had a night sleep till i woke up the second day and realised dee joined us too, but she went like 3am+ which i was like in my lala land =x
5th Jan.
Took 59 from Steven's house there and i reached j8 in like after an hour of journey=)
Guess what, Chinese New year is like arriving in a month time! Just realise this when i made a trip to NTUC to get my redbull for the day. The NTUC was playing the chinese new year songs and with those tibits out for sale.
Received my vice captain, yusong's, sms in the late noon. he informed me about that trainin resume this coming Mon. awwww, like so long since i last attended trainin, wonder if i still going ma, and yusong told me to make a trip there, even for leisure also can. ahah!
Kinda slack for a few more hours till i knock off from work.=))
6th Jan
Last day of the weekend! but i still needa work for today! ahaha! As usual, wake up-> bathed-took 156 -> reached j8-> went NTUC-> Get My redbull for the day -> work~~~~~
Been like working for full shift for 2 days and i felt a very huge sense of achievement at the very moment i knock off for todays work=x Woo! well, i guess i'm schedule the same time table for next week work~~ awww!
Back home and got myself refreshed and slacking infront of the pc now=P
Lesson again tml~ woo, time for some slacking/gaming session before the next morning arrive =)
Labels: 2days of work