Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Its a Tuesday!
As my lesson onli starts at 2pm~ me and jor decided to go for a morning swim before go for our classxD
Yuan initially was coming but he went to 2x on his Vvarriorkor! JY YUAN! haha~ i went to scan an Anego for him before i set off to tampinese, but i end up late when meeting jordan =x Willie cant make it last min so left me and jor!
It was actually sunny, HOWEVER! when we step into the pool, the weather seem changed! The skies went gray -_-!!!
The Sun went behind the clouds but we continue swimmmin =D
The water is really cold for today, so we quickly swim to the other side of pool once we jumped into the cold water =D
The weather seem to get worst so jor suggest we go wash up before the big rain arrived, so we took our belongings, then walk ot the toilet and the rain came in! ROAR!!
Luckily it became drizzling after we had our shower , so we went to tp and had our lunch=D
Going home todae was SSSHHHIIIOOOCCCCKK!
The bus 27 is like onli semi full, seats were all around and the best thing is, the bus is cooling and it travel quite fast! it took like like onli 20min to reach home! How i wish that everyday has such trip =D
Yeah, finally able to upload pic from my phone to the com!
My Mum and Dad making the dough for the Mee Hoon Kuay thing~


This is Mee Hoon Kuay!!



Apple and Pear >.< ( its was a big Pear xD)
Went shopping with jordan last friday and we saw the baby having fun with the foutain at bugis=D

Just spend 5m on buying a bow and the 1st slot went boom~ T_T
Feeling kinda hungry now~ Signin off from here~ time for DINNER! =)
7:51 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
waiting waiting a day of waiting!
I suppose to had 10am lesson today, left house at 930am and rush for cab.
However! after waiting for 15mins, still no cab insight! Tried calling the comfort cab hotline, but all they ask me to do is, ' please hold, while we connect your call to the customer assitance..' Again and again~ Was soo annoyed but that! ROAR, finally got a cab at 1015am, but jor told me that the teaher had marked me as absent. so i went to the next lesson venue and waited for them instead>.<
1st day of the week and this is happening to me!!! ROAR!
Had a long day and finally its time to go home!
But again~ its the peak hours, board a 27 but it kinda jam as i had a short nap in it and around 45mins, i realise that i am still at the Ikea there! The bus macham not moving like tt! roar!
What a day of waiting!!! =/Labels: a Day of waiting
7:58 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
3rd day of school~
Finally had my timetable changed as i finally got a new cds- 20th century fashion, i change my jap cds to this as i was suppose to attend jap tuitoral every tuesday at 8am to 10am while my lesson offically starts at 2pm >.<>.
The day before school starts,Yy organised a mini gathering, a chalet,for the GLs. Though onli a few of us turned up, but its quite a fun day we had together=D
Ayton! with the 60% keong~

We ordered pizza and bought some fries, kinda a mini party =D

YY being soooo foccccus xD

OMG! steven with his special privillege~ A Mac spicy! (his favourite quote, Today eat, tml then start diet ) -_-

A pic with tat b4 he go for his book in~

Omg, why is steven and kaiwei having thier evil laugh?

Its me below -_-!!!!

A mahjong made possible thanks to brandon's mini mahjong set


Ugly ppl!

With the tiles~

Yeah, we then play indian poker and the loser with have their face painted with the colgate toothpaste >.<
Wow~ yy started the ball rolling!

Rebuben catching up next x:

Steven also joined in

its me next -_-

Steven featuring as the Pervertic Colgate man =D

Joanna up next

And we all had our face painted xD
The One Stroke Gang!!

*Pervertic colgate man* ' what is yy doing with my toothpaste'

Joanna no.2

Steven no.2

Reuben no.2

Yc no.2

haha! karma! Reuben painted me and now its my turn to take revenge =x

Joanna keep laughing and eventually she also genna =x

Hoho~ reuben no.3

no.4 !!


End product~ 6 strokes and he thus become our biggest ' winner' =x

Ayton <3

Alright~ Soon its time for zakum~ *pray that cal better helm this time*Labels: Chalet
6:23 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
BOO! think its really long since i last update this concer of mine =P
Alrighty~ be ready for a junk of words and pic=D
*I managed to train to level 100 for my ranger-D its really tiring and stressful to keep playing everyday to level up=x
*Thanks to Brenda, AzureSnow ,with her patience to train with me together too =D
*Got My Afro hair cut at the cost of 50bucks ( random 10 times) the night the patch out!! I was sooo disappointed that the vip coupon which cost $12 came out 3 days later... *faint*
Into the new Ammoria wedding hall =D

Congrats on the newly wed^^

Mong trainin!

The Korean Flower gang =x

Mega collection =P

Oh ya~ i PASSED MY EMATH 3! i was like sooo worried and troubling over it for the past few weeks and till that thurs, raazmy called and told me that i can check out the sub paper result as its out =D

Went for another movie with some maple mate, With Chris, Kc (rebornquincy) + his friend, brenda, cal and even jor!
We went to the Shaw House that Shaw Cinema to catch Resident Evil: Extinction =/

The Sound effect at Shaw house is really loud and this make me got sooo frighten at parts of the movie. I ask jor ' eh, this scean got scary thing anot' , he replied me no.but right after that i still got scare becuz of the loud noise effect and so i decided to cover my ears to reduce the sound effect ( so not so scary ) throughtout the movie=x
Its a nice movie but its a little gross to see blood here and there=D Not for the weak hearted=x
Went Swimming with Jordan a few times after he came back from his china Holiday =D
Then we suggested to go Pular Ubin for a cycling trip for today =D
Met fang, Yuan, cal and jor and so the 5 of us set of the the island next door=D

Walk walk~

Walk somemore..

YEa, found a good bike shop =x *the auntie attract us with her rental price*

Omg fang look shocked!

Alright! time to set off =D

o.0~ Stranger!!




Caution steep slopes~ -_-

Took those pic while i was on my boke so kinda abnt blur=x
We cycled half the island and it started pouring!!
We Dashed back to the 'town' in the rain, but we back to the hut we had a rest twice as i thought i placed my bottle there but it was actually in my bag -_-''
Had my 1st proper meal there!

Look how wet cal is! And he told us, this is his 1st time coming to ubin ( MOUNTAIN TURTLE!) =x

We cycled to another end of the island which as the check Jawa ( suppose to be a beautiful place la )

Sexy back?!

The mangroves~`~

HOHOHO~ we saw this tower and we decided to climb to its top! xD

make sure none of us excess this limit=x

YAY! After some hard time we finally reached the top^^

One of the bird we suppose to see there ( but didnt see any =x)

The sea~

The Trees~


Aeroplane is a common sight there=D


Jordan! ( he moved while i took this pic with the timer, kinda funny)

The 5 of us=D

We left the Chek Jawa~

The querty

Clear water~

Jodan keep meeting accident while he on his bike, this is the 12356789009876543 times he fall and getting up!!

We decied to explore a trail path and we got ourself caught in the mud! Look how thick the mud had sticked on Fang's sandal and his bike.!


The pool of water is really irritating! =/

We explored the trail path ( or i shld say we were kinda lost in it, it lead us to path of mud and we had a very hard time there. Me and jor even Cycled till cramp while we were trying to find out way out =/. )And we found out that we actually make a big round in and out of the stupid path -_-
Wash up!!
A Small boy found!

Omg, heres another 1!!!

YEa~ its 6pm+ time to say bb to Ubin!

Had a fun filled and exciting day there~ We were even chased by wild dog as jor said this to 1 wild dog while it was lying on the floor, ' dun anyhow shit on the floor ar '.
The dog suddenly had so big reaction and it started to Bark 3 more other wild dogs came and start to chase me and jor for some distance!!!
We also had our butt felt sooo pain and terrible as we were on our bike for too long =D
An nice Outing before the school reopen on this coming monday =DLabels: Ubin trip
8:53 PM