Vanessa look so petrified~
Exploreing the microwave~
The yellow chicken~
Both trying to act cute while massaging the chickens=D
Cooking the Spagetttie
The food for the 9 of us~ kinda too much right?=x

Ater some time~ still so much left!
Bryan and me;)
The Post which Shamela name ' the gay post ' >.<
Nan and Sham~ perfectly match right? =D
The Girls( ladies) of idiots 9
Family pic~^^
Omg~ wats nan doing!!
Take 2=P
Family pic- at the swing :)
This look like day time~ haha~ its the flash=D

SOme of use were camofludge in this pic =x
Happy ppl =)

At the another angel
More more~
Fat is getting close the the Camera! oh no!
Tired~ after soo many pic =P
Its Kq and me!
Twist~ ppl!
Fat trying to get drunk? =D
Nan and me^^
Still cant finsih the food=D
The ' BBq' Pit =D